Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera
Batxillerat d'arts Escola Montcau-La Mola

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From course 22/23, you can study the art baccalaureate of the plastic arts, image and design. This modality will give you artistic knowledge such as creativity, design, advertising, the media, and more.

New arts baccalaureate
Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

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Montcau develops an educational project that encourages all areas of education and training in the different school stages: Nursery, Preschool, Primary, Secondary and dual Baccalaureate.

Som Montcau
Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

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The school is located in a privileged environment in direct contact with nature, near the Parc de Sant Llorenç del Munt.

A healthy environment

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From 0 to 3 years. Els Pinetons is the nursery school of Montcau - La Mola. It has a consolidated track record.

Llar d'infants Els Pinetons


We are a school that aims to transmit values, tools and knowledge, so that students have a critical and creative spirit and are the protagonists of their learning.


We chose the cover of the diary


As you already know, this year we have had different diary covers for…

PISA report 2022


In relation to the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) report that is…

Start of swimming sessions


Swimming sessions have started! Last week all students from I2 to 5th grade…

The school in a minute


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    AENOR, Montcau – La Mola
    IQNet, Montcau – La Mola
    Goethe-Institut Barcelona, Montcau – La Mola
    Education and Culture DG, Montcau – La Mola
    University of Cambridge, Montcau – La Mola
    DELF DALF, Montcau – La Mola
    Pearson, Montcau – La Mola
    Escuela amiga de Unicef
    Vicente Ferrer
    Agermanament sense fronteres