‘Els Pinetons’ is a private nursery school located in Matadepera and is part of the school ‘Montcau-La Mola’. The nursery stage is enclosed within the first cycle of Early Childhood Education and serves boys and girls aged 4 months to 3 years of age.

Els Pinetons

 In a cozy, family-like atmosphere and surrounded by nature

Els Pinetons

The first cycle of Early Childhood Education comprises the first three years of a child’s life, which are years full of changes in every way. They have just started to get to know the world, which for them begins with their family, and they slowly start discovering their environment and helping themselves with the possibilities that their own body is facilitating them. The affective security we provide allows them to separate from the adult to explore the world confidently and safely.

They quickly show autonomy to explore an environment rich in learning opportunities – touching, listening and recognizing the others for the first time. This allows them to reach the end of the nursery stage, where socialization, creative play and communication form the key aspects to be developed.

Els Pinetons Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

In the ‘Els Pinetons’ kindergarten we ensure the well-being and growth of children from 4 months to 3 years of age in a cozy, family-like atmosphere and surrounded by nature.

We address their affective and developmental needs by offering the appropriate moments, activities and spaces for children to develop their capacities as widely as possible.

Our educational project

Kindergarten Els Pinetons

Follow us on @els_pinetons
AENOR, Montcau – La Mola
IQNet, Montcau – La Mola
Goethe-Institut Barcelona, Montcau – La Mola
Education and Culture DG, Montcau – La Mola
University of Cambridge, Montcau – La Mola
DELF DALF, Montcau – La Mola
Pearson, Montcau – La Mola
Escuela amiga de Unicef
Vicente Ferrer
Agermanament sense fronteres