Lunch time

Migdia Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

The educational project of the school also extends to lunchtime, with our own team of instructors… with the project: PER SUCAR-HI PA! that starts from the premise that all the time that children spend in school is educational!

  • We understand and want to convey that the act of eating is a social act, to communicate, share and coexist.
  • From school we work on habits and attitudes that we consider fundamental and important also during lunch time.

At the school we have our own kitchen to prepare healthy menus.

A balanced diet is essential for the proper development of children, young and old.

  • Our menus are prepared under dietary control and in coordination between the person responsible for leisure time and services and the school nurse.
  • The food preparation is carried out in the school kitchen facilities jointly with the Saned company.
  • On a monthly basis, families will be able to find updated information on the content of each day in this section of the website.
  • We adapt to the specific needs of all students with menus adapted for those who require special dietary treatment: with allergies, intolerances to certain foods, or occasional diets for transitory problems of the digestive system.

“Nutritips” February 2023

We highlight the continuation of the tutorial action also in the lunch time, with the support of the school’s team of instructors.

We also highlight the various activities of the Club Montcau that students can do after eating. By clicking here you can find the details of all these activities.