Plurilingüisme, ESO Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

The Secondary Education (ESO) stage includes students between the ages of 12 and 16. This is a time of social, psychological, and environmental changes for both boys and girls.

At our school, we continue developing the various competences of our students in different fields of knowledge, working in a transversal way, so that they develop their own criteria, and become committed, critical, empathetic and, ultimately, good people.

The personalized monitoring of our students is one of the pillars of the school and, in a stage of profound changes as is the case in ESO, this aspect takes on a special relevance. That is why we give great importance to the figure of the tutor, who is the one who will ensure the proper development of the students, both personally and academically. The tutor is also the person of reference for the family as they are the link between home and school.

We reduce the ratios of the groups by creating, if necessary, extra lines, in order to work in a closer and more personalized way.

Surrounded by nature and with open spaces, the students can take advantage of this unique environment to develop leisure and recreational activities, as well as those related to learning.

We take the classroom outside to create experiential spaces that stimulate the curiosity, motivation and creativity of the students.

It is outdoors where we also develop cross-sectional and interlevel activities and proposals such as the school garden project.

We look further and take advantage of the proximity of the Natural Park to work on subjects such as biology. This space offers infinite possibilities for experiences that make learning meaningful.

We also carry out our Physical Education sessions in these outdoor spaces.

We believe that education in values is a fundamental pillar of our students’ passage through school.

Every morning, we start the day by sharing a running time with the classmates and the tutor of each class group. It is a time of forging relationships, having a conversation with equals and promoting group cohesion.

The students take part and are involved in various solidarity campaigns and community service actions such as: food collection, Let’s Clean Up Europe, TV3 Marathon projects, etc. These actions are promoted by the school, and take place at different times throughout the school year.

Foreign languages play a fundamental role in our educational project, with the aim that throughout the ESO stage the students can express themselves in all of the languages they know.

English is the vehicular language in different subjects, going beyond the officially established ones, such as TOV, Science, Technology, Programming, etc.

On the other hand, all students study a second foreign language, which can either be French or German.

We also prepare students at school so that, if they want, they can take the official Cambridge exams: First Certificate of English (FCE) or Cambridge Advanced of English (CAE).

We’d also like to highlight the Mini-stay School Integration Week project in Primary: a voluntary stay abroad, lasting a week, where the students immerse themselves in the English culture through accommodation with families and attending a British school.

We believe in meaningful learning that is developed through diverse proposals related to educational environments in small groups.

Some of the proposals we carry out are:

  • TOV: Vocational Guidance Workshops – these are quarterly interdisciplinary proposals taught in English where students have the opportunity to work on different topics that are not part of the official curriculum, such as: arts and crafts, cooking and performing.

Students develop transversal skills through teamwork, enhancing their creativity and imagination.

  • Programming and robotics.
  • Coding and programming.

We have different thematic classrooms where we can develop various proposals related to educational areas. We have:

  • 3 specialized laboratories: biology, chemistry and physics
  • Kitchen classroom
  • Technology workshop
  • Da Vinci classroom
  • Music room
  • Outdoor classrooms

During the course, various talks are held by professionals and experts from very different fields, who, with their vision and experience, complement the content worked on in the classroom.

Learning music is divided into two main blocks:

  • On the one hand, musical performance, this includes learning different techniques and songs with the ukulele, as well as the work of body percussion that also encourages group cohesion, going beyond musical language.
  • On the other hand, students learn about the musical culture, in which we go from the history of modern music to the most current music, starting from the authors and their works, taking a tour of the different musical styles.

This course 22/23 has resumed the Ministay, one week in the UK, after two years of the pandemic.

Ministay is offered to the 6th graders, 1st and 2nd ESO students in order to live, in many cases, for the first time, the experience in an English language country, see how an English school works and live with an English family.


And by the students that the 22/23 course will be 3rd and 4th ESO course, with the collaboration of METBarcelona, since school we offer the possibility of being in Canada during the 1st quarter of the 2023-2024 course. The student will stay in a local house with a family and go to school in the country. There are now five students living the experience of staying abroad for a quarter.