
Temps d'aula, Parvulari Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

The Preschool stage is the second cycle of early childhood education and includes children between 3 and 6 years old. We believe that children must learn to function in the world around them. The objective of this stage is to promote the well-being of our students by making available to children a wide variety of resources so that their learning is useful and meaningful for them to solve new challenges.

At this stage, we place great value on the socialization of children, through play and everyday moments in the classroom.

En esta etapa damos un gran valor a la socialización de los niños y niñas, a través del juego y los momentos cotidianos en el aula.

All children’s time in school is educational. We take care of the moments of entry and exit to be able to give children the security of being well cared for and transmit confidence.

In early childhood education we ensure that the feeding moments are spaces of privileged relationship and communication between children and between children and adults. There is an active and increasingly autonomous participation where the children themselves collaborate in the different tasks and in hygiene habits.

At Preschool we believe that it is so important that children have experiences of activity as well as rest and that is why we contemplate the possibility of resting after eating.

Play is an important part of the project: our indoor and outdoor spaces favor play as a tool that generates learning.

All the classrooms are divided into corners that allow us to organize ourselves into small groups, each of which carries out a specific and different task.

The corners enhance teamwork, initiative, a sense of responsibility, autonomy and learning. Some of our classroom corners are: mathematical, manual skill, literacy, symbolic play, artistic, miniature …

The world will always have meaning for a child who has been in contact with nature since childhood.

K. Lorenz

The outdoor space of the school offers great learning possibilities with great educational value.

Natura, Parvulari Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera
Natura, Parvulari Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

Outside the preschool classrooms there are different spaces for movement, relaxation, conversation, games and experiences that stimulate curiosity, motivation and creativity in children. It is in this natural space where we develop transversal and inter-level proposals, such as the garden project, the tree festival, etc.

Whether walking, running, drawing… they will find nature at every step and with all their senses. This makes it possible for them to create stories that emerge in the way of doing, being, expressing, etc.

Our Natura project provides children a wide variety of situations to learn directly from the world around them, observing and interacting with it, experiencing it with all the senses. We use the outdoor space as a learning space, with a wide range of proposals available to children (Land Art, yoga, environmental awareness, getting to know the animals and plants in our environment…)

The learning spaces allow us to offer more concrete proposals and to design and organize environments that favor the development of different capacities.

Espais, Parvulari Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera
Espais, Parvulari Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

The spaces provide children the possibility of becoming the protagonists of their learning, since they participate actively, constructively and creatively. This methodology, organized in small groups, involves learning through play, exploration and experimentation, interpretation, cooperative work, construction and socialization.

The materials and their arrangement are fundamental: behind each material and proposal there is a reflection and a selection with careful attention to the objectives and capacities that are to be developed in each of the spaces.

  • In the Literary space, boys and girls invent, create and represent stories based on different proposals. In addition, they develop graphics to acquire good eye-hand control and begin the process of discovering the written code.
  • In the Atelier they develop creative capacity, make productions based on different techniques and enter the world of Art. In this space the boys and girls interact using the English language with the preschool tecahers.
  • In the Town they begin in cooperative play, developing different roles and expressing the emotions and feelings that the same game awakens.
  • In the Laboratory they develop research capacity based on experimentation, discovery and curiosity.

At Preschool the English language is present at different times of the day to offer children a wide range of opportunities in which they can make a real and communicative use.

We offer several proposals and with different methodologies:

From the Artigal method, which provides a basis for this language learning with represented stories, to every day where daily routines help our students in their daily lives. Another resource is the explanation of their own and unique experiences in a group, which enriches the acquisition of new oral productions.

English is also present in the swimming sessions, excursions and in the playgrounds.

In addition, we have a native conversation assistant.

In the Preschool stage we believe that music and musical expression are fundamental for the integral development of the child. Since music contributes to improve different aspects such as the acquisition of language, the sense of hearing, the exercise of memory, concentration, social skills and creative attitude.

We live music in a sensory way, in the form of games to sensitize ourselves musically, and we do so by experimenting, creating and playing with the body, singing, dancing, making rhythms and playing instruments.

In order to favor these aspects in Preschool we do daily sessions with our specialist teacher.

With psychomotor skills and swimming we offer children a great variety of experiences of movement. The natural environment and the school pool are two environments that allow boys and girls to get to know their bodies, gradually gain confidence, interact with their peers, and gradually acquire security and autonomy, and also forming a positive image of themselves and of themselves. others.

Natació, Parvulari Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera
Natació, Parvulari Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

Working in small groups and the different proposals allow us to give a more individualized attention. At the beginning and end of the sessions, when they have to change clothes in the changing rooms, the children do autonomy work with the support of the English teachers.

Psicomotricitat, Parvulari Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera
Psicomotricitat, Parvulari Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera