Let’s go to Canada

Your sons and daughters can travel, stay and study in Canada next year!

From Montcau – La Mola school we are launching this project for students who will be doing 3rd and 4th year of secondary in the 2022-2023 academic year.

We are convinced that it is a great option to be able to practice English, as well as live the experience of live abroad.


A few days ago we had a meeting about the project with interested families. If you were unable to attend, you will find all the information below:

In this link you can find the PDF of the presentation.

In this link you can also see the meeting we organized in video format.

In this link you can see the video that was also presented.


Registrations for this project can be made until March 7 as this is when the Canadian government requests it.

You can contact Marta Castañé, Head of the School’s Foreign Language Department, at mcastane@montcaulamola.com for any questions, queries or clarifications.