School pre-registration

Preinscripcio escolar Montcau - La Mola

The school pre-registration period begins in the next few days:

  • For the preschool and primary stage, the established period is from 7 to 21 March.
  • For the secondary stage it is from 9 to 21 March.

This year the pre-registration procedure will be online, through the website. On this page you will have to select the corresponding stage of your son or daughter. Inside you will find different points:

  • In the first point you will find all the information of the process.
  • The second point gives you the option to submit the application. This point will be active only during the set period.

You will see that there are two options for submitting it:

  • Electronically, where you will be asked for an identification, either an electronic DNI or a PIN code.
  • Or with computer support, where you will have to fill in all the data and attach the required documentation.

It is very important that applications are submitted within the timetable set by the Department of Education.

In this video made by the Department of Education explains step by step how to do the procedure.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the school and Antonia Arcusa, the academic secretary, will help you. You can contact us at this email or by phone 937870825.