
PISA report 2022

In relation to the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) report that is generating so much controversy, we share two explanatory documents from the representatives of state-subsidised schools in Catalonia. – The first document is a brief summary of some of the key data from the PISA 2022 report, which you can find below. – […]

Start of swimming sessions

Swimming sessions have started! Last week all students from I2 to 5th grade started swimming lessons in the pool. In Primary, we will work on and transfer different knowledge such as knowledge of their own body and its movement, coordination, team work and games in the aquatic environment and also more technical aspects, such as […]

Spring Day

Yesterday afternoon, Thursday 23rd March, we celebrated the Spring Party with the families of the 2nd cycle of Infant Education. The aim of this party is to share a part of the project and enjoy a family-school time. On this occasion we did an English activity and a nature activity. We are very excited to […]

Ski Week

Last week took place the Ski Week, the children, and also the whole team of the school, enjoyed very much these days of skiing! The weather was variable, from beautiful sunny to cloudy days, but the snow was still in very good conditions all week! In the afternoons various activities such as swimming pool, games, […]