
Creativitat, primària Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

The Primary stage includes students between the ages of 6 and 12. It promotes the acquisition of the competences of each field of knowledge, thus seeking that the students are competent and can continue developing this work in ESO.

At school we always seek to ensure that learning is authentic and meaningful, with teachers being the facilitating and activating motor of this learning.

In Primary, Catalan, English and Spanish coexist, both in the different areas of learning and in the day-to-day life of the boys and girls, because we want them to interact naturally and fluently.

We promote a very experiential learning of the English language, dedicating many more hours to English as a vehicular language than those officially established, promoting orality, thus making changing from one language to another a natural fact for students.

In the primary stage:

  • We work on art globally at This is Art.
  • We complement the contents and competences of Medi in Science.
  • We have hours specifically dedicated to writing in English, thanks to the project called Diary.
  • We promote oral and communicative competence with a native speaking assistant doing Speaking.
  • And we also do English with Magic Stone materials and Eleanitz projects.
Idiomes, primària Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera
Idiomes, primària Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

Students always communicate in English with teachers both inside and outside the classroom, during recess, on trips, activities, camps, parties and celebrations, etc.

The Mini-stay School Integration Week project should also be highlighted with the elderly in Primary: a voluntary stay abroad, lasting a week, immersing themselves in English culture through accommodation with families and attending a school British.

In Primary we have different thematic classrooms that allow students to develop diverse proposals related to educational environments in small groups.

We can differentiate two types according to the proposals that students can develop:

Cycle themed classrooms: Through corners, they allow us to promote different dimensions of the linguistic and mathematical fields.

The specialty themed classrooms:

  • The “Steve Jobs” classroom, intended to develop the digital competence.
  • The “Frida Kahlo” room, intended for the artistic field, enhancing the creativity of children and children, and which also has an outdoor space.
  • The “Pau Casals” classroom, dedicated to music, promoting language and musical expression (dance, song, instruments, etc.).
  • The “Agustí Abad” library, aimed at the linguistic field and which has a carefully chosen collection of books to carry out the Library sessions.
  • The school pool, designed to develop the field of Physical Education through weekly swimming sessions, up to 5th grade.
  • The “Bill Gates” classroom, where students work on the “Robotics” project in small groups and in English.

The school library is a space that is present in different proposals and student learning activities.

The school library project is a school methodology developed by the library teacher. Each week the boys and girls work on their taste for reading by reading books that the teacher proposes and that their classmates recommend. At school we want the books to grow with the children, adapting them in their maturing moment: we start with “learning to read” and continue with “reading to learn”.

This is where the library becomes relevant in other day-to-day proposals, such as the biblioreflexió project (working on the values with the tutoring group) or the science PDI (where, based on research in knowledge books, the students develop an Integrated Documentary Project).

Surrounded by nature and with open spaces, boys and girls learn to relate and grow older in an environment that is very close and familiar to them, with the aim that they learn to love, respect and care for it.

We make the classroom go outside and take advantage of the nature that surrounds the school to create experiential spaces that stimulate their curiosity, motivation and creativity.

It is outdoors where we also develop cross-sectional and inter-level activities and proposals such as the school garden project or the Festa de l’arbre.

Natura, primària Escola Montcau – La Mola Matadepera

In addition, the Sant Llorenç del Munt Natural Park is almost one more outdoor space of the school, and it becomes infinite possibilities of experiences that make learning experiential and meaningful.

We take advantage of these outdoor spaces to develop the Physical Education sessions, which in the Middle and Higher Cycles also include the practice of golf with a professional specialized in our training field.

Creativity is present in a large part of the activities and proposals of our day to day.

This is Art is a space where students express their feelings and ways of seeing and interpreting the world through art, traveling through different countries, cultures, materials, techniques and artists.

In music we work on the different contents such as songs, auditions, musical language, dances,… in an experiential way through expression, games, body movement and interpretation with different instruments. In this way the students significantly reach this more abstract language, working on different composers, styles, periods and musical movements.

Attending concerts and musical proposals at the Gran Teatre del Liceu, the Palau de la Música Catalana or at the Auditori of Barcelona allows us to experience the music in the first person.

In addition, students discover the different families of instruments:

  • Performing with the percussion instruments with the little ones,
  • Passing through the wind instruments learning to play the recorder,
  • Even the string instruments learning to play the ukulele with the primary school elders.

Education in values ​​is part of everyday life in the classroom and at school. We believe that it is a fundamental part of this daily life:

Every morning for the first 30 minutes of the day we do the choir, starting the day with the tutor. In this way, we promote the healthy emotional education of students; We promote the good climate and the good coexistence of the group; We monitor day-to-day aspects of possible conflicts; and it is a space for reflection to work on personal and social commitments, such as the various solidarity projects in which we participate.

The Bibioreflexió project is an initiative that we promote in coordination with the library teacher and with the tutors. It is an interdisciplinary group project to work on specific values ​​through a book or picture album.

We also play Biopolis: an active methodology based on the game that allows us to promote dialogue on specific issues with the different groups, with the support and guidance of the psychopedagogical team of the stage.

The Codocencia, with two teachers in the classroom, is one of the methodologies that we include in our educational project in Primary: it allows facilitating dynamics, different proposals and offering a more personalized attention.

To fully consolidate our educational project, it is necessary that families participate and feel close and integrated in the school. For this reason, we promote communication and the School-Family bond, which is one of the distinguishing features that families value most in school.

We also establish at least two individualized tutorials with each family according to the needs of the students, constantly maintaining contact with the tutor.

In the same way, we also organize group meetings with families throughout the course to be able to make specific recommendations and guidance.