Category: Primary

Festa arbre-Montcau La Mol

We celebrate the Tree Party

In Matadepera, the Winter Festival is celebrated in honor of the town’s saint: Sant Sebastià. These festivities feature a pine tree and nature. These two elements are also part of the school in the Tree Party: a celebration that we carry out every year with the participation of children in P4 and 6th grade of […]

resultats alumnes consell escolar_Montcau La Mola-Matadepera

Result of the elections to the School Council: families

Today we held the elections for the partial renewal of the School Board of the families sector. Once all the votes have been counted, the three winning candidacies are: Sra. Marisol Castillo Sra. Ivet Imbers Sra. Esther Rigat Thanks to everyone who voted. Congratulations to the winners! And thank the other candidates as well.   […]