As you know at school we have the project “Per sucar-hi pa” at lunch to make this time, a time to educate, share and interact with classmates.
Sure, the boys and girls at primary have told you about the “Table Leaders”, but … who are they? what do they do? We asked some students about it and here are their explanations:
Question: What Does a Table Leader Do?
Iu and Chloe from 1st grade: The Table Leader is the one who prepares the table where our classmates will have lunch. To set the table means to put the cutlery, the napkins, and everything we need to eat, not to eat with our hands. The Table Leader also picks up once they have finished eating and leaves everything tidy.
Q: How did you feel when you were a Table Leader? Did you like it?
Laia from 3rd grade: I really liked it!
Oriol from 3rd Grade: When you are the table leader and you see that someone does something wrong, it makes you think about not doing it yourself later.
Q: Do you think the figure of the table Leader is important?
Clara, 5th of primary student: Yes, because we learn a lot too: how to put the table, to be quiet while eating, we can have a conversation with friends … We really enjoyed it!